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Essay No. 102236

已有 1028 次阅读2018-6-19 16:30

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Note: Each CBOE bitcoin futures contract relates to the underlying price of one bitcoin.

The CBOE futures are based on the auction price of bitcoin on the Gemini Exchange , which is owned and operated by the bitcoin billionaire” Winklevoss twins Cameron and Tyler The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) will launch bitcoin futures next week. While Cboe Bitcoin futures was the first to launch, the CME Group is considered to be the world's largest futures exchange. We would expect the CME Group contracts to have a greater impact on the price of Bitcoin since the futures price will be based on Bitcoin's price from a number of Bitcoin exchanges, not to mention the CME Group's status in the futures market. 


A CFD is a contract between you and the broker.

The Main Types OF CFD Brokes

Arguably one of the biggest innovations to come from the development of technology in retail onine trading is the widespread growth of DMA, allowing traders of all levels and sizes to make their own trading decisions on the markets first hand

1. STP Broker– Straight through Processing model
2. ECN Broker– Electronic communications network model
3. DMA Broker – Direct market access model
4. MM Broker– Market maker model
5. P2P Broker – Peer to Peer model
The STP/ECN and DMA Brokerage models are the CLASSIC brokerage versions that send out all your trade orders to the administrators of the regular market. The operators of the conventional  market are described as the Market Makers.
These Market Makers are the providers who you are in fact, trading against.
Hence if you earn, they lose. In the same line of thinking, however, if you generally gain, it results in the provider  is losing and vice versa.
The market makers own the right to refuse your trade flows. this factor is evidently a very important feature. You can trade with a Brokering service that is functioning an STP/ECN/DMA model and nevertheless have your trading earnings canceled or a even worse setting , your deposit may well held back for a while. This type of unethical doings of a STP broker may be as a result of their Market Makerterminated your orders at some time and subsequently, any profit you generated turns into invalid. The market maker might as well prefer to punish the Broker for allowing such streams by retaining your money.


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